What is the SAT exam taken for admission in America, which the Education Minister also mentioned

An Overview Of SAT Exam: The full form of SAT is – Scholastic Aptitude Test. Through this, it is tested whether the candidate is eligible for higher education in foreign countries, especially in the US and European countries. Only after they pass it, they can take admission. Every year a large number of students from every country appear in this exam and many students from India also appear in this exam.

Education Minister mentioned

After controversies arose over many big exams after NEET UG, the Education Minister talked about adopting a pattern like the SAT exam. He says that we should also adopt the exam pattern of our country like the exams conducted for admission in American colleges. Today let us know what this exam is.

Where can one get admission?

SAT exam score provides admission not only in the US but also in other countries like Canada, Australia, Italy etc. This exam is conducted by an organization called College Board and it has been made digital from last year i.e. March 2023. Earlier it was conducted in pen-paper mode but now it is conducted digitally.

How is this exam?

In this exam, mainly three parts of the candidates are tested. Reading and Writing and Maths. The questions are MCQ type and mainly the knowledge of common area is tested, hence it is general and not subject based. It is important to have knowledge of Maths because without it you can neither pass the exam nor get admission abroad.

Important details related to the exam

This exam is conducted 7 times a year in about 92 test centers in India. The application on which it is taken is called Bluebook App. Candidates go to the center with their laptops, iPads, tablets etc. to take the exam. The duration of the exam is 2 hours and 14 minutes. There are a total of 54 questions from the reading writing section and 44 from maths. The score is based on 800 + 800, i.e. a total of 1600.

What is the eligibility

To appear in this exam, the candidate must be 12th passed and his age should not be less than 17 years. 

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