
Is walking 10,000 steps a day a substitute for workout? Know what expert has to say

In recent times, our bodies are increasingly becoming hosts to numerous serious diseases due to deteriorating lifestyles. The primary culprits are irregular eating habits and a lack of exercise. However, awareness about fitness and the importance of regular workouts has grown significantly. A popular trend today is the goal of walking 10,000 steps daily. Many […]

Is walking 10,000 steps a day a substitute for workout? Know what expert has to say Read More »

Want to lose weight fast? 5 amazing rules you must follow before going to bed at night

Nowadays, everyone is trying to lose weight. People doing sitting jobs are the most obese. In such a situation, a new trend has started among people regarding fitness. Everyone is trying to lose weight. Losing weight is a good thing because it keeps many dangerous diseases away. However, sometimes even after trying hard, weight does

Want to lose weight fast? 5 amazing rules you must follow before going to bed at night Read More »

Snana Purnima: Know everything about the holy bathing ceremony of Lord Jagganath in Puri before Rath Yatra

Every corner of India has its distinct customs and rituals, each holding a deep spiritual significance. One such tradition that has been celebrated for centuries is Snana Purnima, also known as Deba Snana Purnima. This auspicious occasion falls on the full moon day in the Hindu month of Jyeshtha, which usually falls in June. It is

Snana Purnima: Know everything about the holy bathing ceremony of Lord Jagganath in Puri before Rath Yatra Read More »

Kabirdas Jayanti 2024: Know date, history, significance and more

Kabirdas Jayanti, also known as Kabir Prakat Diwas, celebrates the birth anniversary of the revered mystic poet and social reformer Kabir Das. Observed annually on the full moon day of Jyeshtha (May or June), this important day in India honours Kabir’s enduring legacy of love, tolerance, and social harmony. His teachings, which emphasize the unity

Kabirdas Jayanti 2024: Know date, history, significance and more Read More »

International Yoga Day 2024: Know the benefits of prenatal yoga for mother and baby

Prenatal yoga is advised considering pregnant women’s unique needs and requirements. It helps to physically and physiologically prepare their body for challenges associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond. Prenatal yoga consists of various low-impact activities like yoga, relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, and gentle stretching. During pregnancy, the woman’s body undergoes various physical and hormonal

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International Yoga Day 2024: Five Yoga poses to relieve stress without leaving your chair at work

In today’s fast-paced world, where many of us spend prolonged hours hunched over desks or in front of screens, tension and stress can build up in the mind and body very rapidly. Yet, there’s a simple solution: effective chair or desk yoga stretches that offer relief from stress, rejuvenate the body, and promote overall well-being.

International Yoga Day 2024: Five Yoga poses to relieve stress without leaving your chair at work Read More »

When is International Yoga Day 2024? Know date, theme, history, significance and more

Yoga, originating from India, is a practice that enhances both physical and mental health. International Yoga Day is dedicated to advocating for the well-being of individuals through yoga, raising awareness about its myriad benefits. The term ‘yoga’ signifies unity or connection, prompting contemplation on the integration of mind and body, thoughts and actions, self-restraint and

When is International Yoga Day 2024? Know date, theme, history, significance and more Read More »

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