Boeing CEO will resign from the company by the end of the year: Head of Commercial Aircraft Unit will retire immediately; Decision after the plane’s door was uprooted in the air

Dave Calhoun, CEO of troubled aircraft manufacturing company Boeing, will resign from his post by the end of this year. At the same time, Stan Deal, head and CEO of the commercial aircraft unit, will retire immediately and the company’s Chief Operating Officer Stephanie Pope will take over this post. In fact, three months ago, on January 5, the door of the Boeing 737-9 Max aircraft had fallen off at an altitude of 16 thousand feet. Due to this accident, this reshuffle is being made in the management of the company. The company said the board has appointed former Qualcomm CEO Steven Mollenkopf as the new chairman. At the same time, the search is on for the person to replace Calhoun. The accident took place while traveling from Portland to Ontario, California. The emergency exit door of Alaska Airlines’ Boeing 737-9 series plane was uprooted at an altitude of 16 thousand feet. According to the airlines, there were 171 passengers and 6 crew members on board the plane. The incident occurred when the plane was en route from Portland, California to Ontario. After takeoff, the door of the aircraft broke and flew into the air at an altitude of 16.32 thousand feet. The shirt of the child sitting on the adjacent seat was torn due to the uprooting of the door. Some passengers’ phones also flew in the air. However, the child’s mother saved him from falling out of the plane. After this the emergency landing of the plane was made. According to local time, this incident happened at around 5 pm. You can understand the location of the plane door from the graphic given below. There has been a temporary ban on the flight of Boeing 737-9 Max planes in America after the accident. At the same time, India’s aviation regulator DGCA had also asked airline companies to inspect the emergency exit doors of the Boeing 737-8 Max planes included in their fleet. Boeing 737 Max aircraft has crashed several times. Boeing made the 737 Max aircraft in 2015. The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) approved it in 2017. Since then it has become the most used aircraft in the world. In 2018, this plane crashed for the first time while flying under Indonesian airline. About 189 people had died then. After this, another Boeing 737 Max plane crashed in March 2019. 157 people died in this. Three days later, the FAA banned the flight of this plane. In 2021, Boeing paid a fine of $2.5 billion to the US Justice Department. After many allegations related to the design and manufacturing of the plane, the company spent billions getting it repaired. After this, this plane was allowed to fly again from 2020.

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