Warren Buffet changes his will: Bill Gates Foundation will not receive donations after his death, children will form a trust

America’s legendary investor Warren Buffett has changed his will. Now after his death, donations to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will stop. Instead, his property will be given to a charitable trust under the supervision of his three children. Warren Buffett has changed his will several times. This time he has expressed confidence in the value of his children and their ability to handle their legacy. Buffett said – I have full faith in my children and their value. Earlier, Buffett had expressed his intention to donate more than 99% of his wealth to the Gates Foundation and 4 family charity institutions. For now, he will continue to donate to the Gates Foundation during his lifetime. Warren Buffett has been towards the foundation for 18 years Mark Suzman, CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said, ‘Warren Buffett has been incredibly generous to the foundation for 18 years. He expressed gratitude for the recent donation made by Buffett and his total contribution of about $ 43 billion (about 3 lakh crores). Last year, Buffett donated about $870 million to his family’s charity and about $750 million in 2022. After these donations, Buffett has 207,963 Class A shares and 2,586 Class B shares of Berkshire Hathaway, which are valued at about $128 billion. Warren Buffett is the 10th richest man in the world Warren Buffett is the 10th richest man in the world. According to the Forbes Real Time Billionaire List, his net worth is Rs 10.77 lakh crore. At the same time, Tesla CEO Elon Musk tops this list with a net worth of Rs 18.62 lakh crore. Warren Buffett lives in a 65-year-old house Despite being the 10th richest person in the world, Warren Buffett lives in a 65-year-old house in Omaha, which he bought for $31,500. According to today’s rate, the house was bought for Rs 26 lakh. He considers it one of the best investments. According to Yahoo Finance, the value of Warren Buffett’s house has increased 44 times to $14,39,000 (11.9 crores). Buffett believes that the house gives him happiness, but renting a house can be a better financial move. In an interview given to BBC in 2009, he said, ‘I cannot imagine a better house than this.’ This is the only real estate in Buffett’s portfolio.

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