Aamir Khan shed crocodile tears at his daughter’s wedding, Aira Khan exposed her father by sharing pictures

Aamir Khan shed crocodile tears at his daughter’s wedding, Aira Khan exposed her father by sharing pictures

A few days have passed since the marriage of Aira Khan and Nupur Shikhare but their wedding photos still surprise. At the time of Aira Khan’s wedding, some videos of father Aamir Khan went viral in which he was seen shedding tears. But did Aamir Khan really shed tears like other fathers on his daughter’s farewell or was it just a prank or crocodile tears? Daughter Aira Khan has exposed father Aamir Khan’s moist eyes by sharing some photos. However, he has also shared emotional moments by posting some more pictures.

Aamir’s ‘Fake Tears’

During Aira Khan’s wedding, many such pics of Aamir Khan went viral in which his eyes were seen moist. Did Aamir Khan really cry or was it a joke? Daughter Aira Khan has shared some pictures and has written ‘Fake Tears’. Aira Khan has posted some pictures, in one of which she is seen sitting with her groom Nupur Shikhare. This picture is from the time of the process of their registered marriage. In which his mother Reena and father Aamir Khan are also seen. On this occasion, Aamir Khan is acting like crying, and others are smiling looking at him. Aira Khan has written the caption on this picture that fake tears i.e. false tears, real ones will come soon.

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shared funny photos

Apart from this picture, Aira Khan has also shared some photos. In one of which, Aamir Khan and Nupur Shikhare are seen joking with each other. After this there is another funny picture. In which Aira Khan, Nupur Shikhare and a person sitting nearby are signaling to stop with their hands. In its caption, Aira Khan has written that why the music happened at the wrong time. There is still some formality left. With these funny photos, Aira Khan has shared memories of some funny moments of her marriage.

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