Ranveer Singh was considering himself a star in front of Akshay Kumar, the player made fun of him publicly, watch video

Ranveer Singh was considering himself a star in front of Akshay Kumar, the player made fun of him publicly, watch video

Akshay Kumar has no competition in the matter of comedy. Ranveer Singh is unmatched in terms of energy. Apart from talent, if we talk about the careers of both, Akshay Kumar is more senior than Ranveer Singh. But whenever both of them are together, this feeling is not allowed. They make that time very special and fun with their humor. One such funny video of both is going viral. In which Akshay Kumar and Ranveer Singh are remembering an old photo. During this, even jokingly, Akshay Kumar reminded Ranveer Singh that he is still far behind him.

Good one Akki????
byu/Bitchzzzz inBollyBlindsNGossip

Ranveer’s place

This video of Ranveer Singh and Akshay Kumar is going viral on Reddit from the account of Bolly Blinds and Gossip. By watching the video it can be guessed that it is from some award show. In which both Ranveer Singh and Akshay Kumar are seen standing in front of the mic. And referring to an old photo. When Akshay Kumar reminds of that photo, Ranveer Singh sits down a little and tells that he was so low at that time. He was referring to his height at that time. But Akshay Kumar gave such a befitting reply that the matter became something else.

you are still there today

Ranveer Singh bowed and said that at that time his place was here. And he looked much younger than Akshay Kumar. As soon as Ranveer Singh said this, Akshay Kumar immediately replied that son, you are still there. On hearing this, all the people present there laughed loudly. A fan commented on this video that Akshay Kumar has no answer for wit. Some users wrote that they want to see Akshay Kumar and Ranveer Singh doing comedy together in films.

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