The child could not recognize his mother after seeing her in make-up, started crying loudly and said – Where is my mother? Can’t control laughing after watching VIDEO

The child could not recognize his mother after seeing her in make-up, started crying loudly and said – Where is my mother?  Can’t control laughing after watching VIDEO

Often, videos that go viral on the internet attract everyone’s attention for some reason or the other. Even at this time, a funny video of a child is being liked a lot on social media. Seeing which you too will not be able to stop yourself without laughing. This video is of a small child and his mother. In this video, the child is unable to recognize his mother and starts insisting on going to her. After all, what happened due to which the child could not recognize his mother? Let us know.

Why couldn’t the child recognize his mother?

If you watch the viral video we are talking about, at first you will not understand what the child is insisting on. Then as the video progresses you will hear the surrounding sounds. In which a woman can be heard saying that son, this is your mother. The mother of that child also tries to make her children understand that son, I am your mother.

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A post shared by Makeup???? Hair???? SPA???? Beauty Services???? Nails (@visagesalon1)

The child is not ready to accept that she is his mother. This video is from a beauty parlor. In which the woman had come to get ready. When the woman got ready and went to her child, the child refused to recognize her and asked where is my mom? After make-up, there were so many changes in the woman’s looks that the child could not recognize his mother and started asking where is his mother? This reel has been shared on Instagram by an account named visagesalon1, which has so far received 1.7M likes and has been shared 3.6M times. Everyone from children to adults are liking this video very much.

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