There was a conspiracy to poison this villain’s bride, relatives were afraid of being beaten, this is how the marriage took place

There was a conspiracy to poison this villain’s bride, relatives were afraid of being beaten, this is how the marriage took place

Ranjeet is one of the dreaded villains of Bollywood. Whose presence on the screen would make the heroines tremble and the heroes would kneel down. On screen, he presented the negative shade of the villain with such quality that even in real life, people started accepting his same image as true. The problems increased when Ranjit found it difficult to find a girl for marriage and even if he found one, conspiracies were hatched to poison her even before marriage. During an interview, this iconic villain remembered those days. While telling this, he sometimes laughed and sometimes regret was visible on his face.

hard to find girl

His siblings who were younger than Ranjeet were already married but no one was ready to give their daughter for marriage to Ranjeet. Meanwhile, he cast Aloka Bedi for one of his films. Ranjeet’s family liked this Punjabi girl who spoke fluent English. He started talking about marriage at Aloka Bedi’s house. Luckily his family members also agreed and finally Ranjeet’s marriage with Aloka Bedi was fixed.

poison the girl

As soon as the marriage was fixed, Ranjeet requested the girl’s family that their marriage should be a private ceremony. Even after that, the relatives who were called were not happy with the arrangement of marriage of the girl of the house with a villain. Those relatives even told Ranjit’s in-laws that it would be better to poison the girl than get her married to Ranjit. Even after the marriage, some relatives told the girl’s family to keep watching their daughter. He had a doubt that Ranjeet would definitely beat his daughter after drinking alcohol like in the movies. However, all these things proved to be false and he has been very happy in his married life.

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