Four Pakistani Hindu girls showed their skills in such a way that even the engineers of IIT Delhi accepted it.

Four Pakistani Hindu girls showed their skills in such a way that even the engineers of IIT Delhi accepted it.

If the intention is firm then even bad luck surrenders. Four Hindu refugee girl students from Pakistan, who participated in IIT Delhi’s Tech Fest Tryst-2024, have surprised everyone with their skills. Gripper bot made by girl students belonging to very poor families of Pakistan is in the headlines these days.

Amazing spirit at a young age  

The age of all four girls is between 9 to 12 years. All of them are students of class five and six. Engineers from across the country have showcased their skills in the Tech Fest. These girl students also reached here with their robots. Everyone is not tired of praising his enthusiasm for participating in this tech fest at such a young age. Only engineers could showcase their robots in this fest. In some cases, students of class 11th and 12th may also be allowed to participate. It was not easy for refugee girl students to get this approval. They had to meet set standards and also had to compete with other children. However, girls’ better understanding of robotics solved this problem. After the organizers were convinced, he was given permission to participate in the fest.

IIT’s “Didi-Bhaiya” boosted morale

There was a lot of hesitation among the girls when attending the fest. On this, other engineers participating in the fest inspired him and helped him to feel comfortable. This increased the morale of the girl students. He not only gave better information to everyone about his robot but also tried to know better about the other robots included in the fest, their working methods etc.

Left Pakistan due to fear of religious persecution

Sandhya, Reshma, Muskaan and Aarti, who belonged to Hindu families from Pakistan, participated in the fest. All of them belong to poor families. Some of them used to work in repairing bicycle punctures etc. in Sindh province of Pakistan. This family had left Pakistan some time ago due to fear of religious persecution and came to India and settled in Jodhpur. With the help of Jodhpur’s NGO Seva Nyay Utthan Foundation, steps are being taken towards brightening the future of these girls. All the family members are very excited to participate in the IIT Tech Fest and they hope that by coming to India, the future of their daughters will be better.

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