That’s why this actress used to enter the theater wearing a burqa, then used this trick to avoid the crowd of people.

That’s why this actress used to enter the theater wearing a burqa, then used this trick to avoid the crowd of people.

Zeenat Aman Post: Zeenat Aman, a very beautiful and glamorous actress of her time, often remains in the headlines on social media. Zeenat is very active on social media and keeps sharing something or the other every day. She shares stories related to cinema with fans about which very few people know. Now Zeenat Aman has shared a post and told how she used to go to the theater by buying tickets to watch her own films.

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Fell in love with cinema in school
Zeenat Aman has shared two of her photos on social media in which she is seen in the theatre. One is old and one is new in which she is seen booing in the movie theatre. While sharing the photos, Zeenat wrote – The magic of cinema. He wrote- Sunday used to be movie day in our boarding school in Panchgani. Everyone was eagerly waiting for this day. We girls used to get ready to go where movies were shown. When I first fell in love on the silver screen, I must have been about 15 years old. It was the dashing Paul Newman of The Silver Chalice, and I wasn’t the only girl who felt my heart skip a beat when he came on screen.
Used to go to watch movies wearing burqa
‘After years I entered the industry. Of course there’s a thrill in being in front of the camera, but I’m still convinced that being a part of the audience is more fun! In my early years as an actor, I used to buy tickets for my films and go secretly to see the audience’s reaction. Often this included wearing a burqa to avoid detection. When I became adept at this trick, I used to go to the cinema late, after the movie started, and go out early to avoid the crowd.

Zeenat further wrote- I feel that now there are so many things to watch films that the thrill of watching films has been reduced. But my old followers will remember how new, exciting and entertaining going to the cinema used to be.

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