There was a decline in gold and silver this week: Gold came at Rs 71 thousand, silver came below Rs 80 thousand per kg.

There was a decline in gold and silver this week: Gold came at Rs 71 thousand, silver came below Rs 80 thousand per kg.

This week there has been a decline in the prices of gold and silver. According to the website of India Bullion and Jewelers Association (IBJA), in the bullion market, at the beginning of this week, i.e. on April 29, gold was at Rs 72,239, which has now come down to Rs 71,191 per 10 grams, i.e. on May 4. That means its price has fallen by Rs 1,048 this week. Talking about silver, according to the IBJA website, at the beginning of this week it was at Rs 80,914, which has now come down to Rs 79,989 per kg. That means its price has fallen by Rs 925 this week. Gold prices have increased by Rs 9,096 in 4 metros and Bhopal. According to IBJA, the price of gold has increased by Rs 9,096 so far this year. On January 1, gold was at Rs 63,352, which is now at Rs 71,191 per 10 grams. At the same time, the price of one kg silver has increased from Rs 73,395 to Rs 79,989. Buy only certified gold: If you want to buy gold then always buy certified gold bearing the hallmark of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Under the new rule, gold will no longer be sold without six-digit alphanumeric hallmarking. Just as there is a 12 digit code on the Aadhaar card, similarly gold will have a 6 digit hallmark code. This is called Hallmark Unique Identification Number i.e. HUID. This number can be alphanumeric i.e. something like this – AZ4524. Through hallmarking, it has become possible to find out how many carats of gold is.

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